Kevin “Kevz Ink” Begay

08/31/2024by gunznink1

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First, Last Name: Kevin Begay 

Shop Name & Location: Garage Tattoo Studio

341 East 35th St
Ogden, UT 84401

Contact Info: 

To book a appointment you can give me a call or text for me to call back @8019209600

FaceBook: @kevin begay 

FaceBook: @kevzink 

Instagram: @kevzink

When did you first start tattooing: I started tattooing at young age for fun but then while I was incarcerated, when I was released i keep at it and took it serious and got educated and learned how to use large mags and different needle groupings and been at it ever since. I am self taught and when threw many trials and errors but never gave up. 

Who was your first client, what type of tattoo did you do: My 1st client was my lil brother, I tattooed the back of his legs just the out line of gangster style numbers when I was like 14yrs old with a homemade prison style machine a older friend gave to me when he was released from prison. But I wasn’t really trying to build a career out of it, or said I wanted to be a tattoo artist, it was just there,it was apart of the culture I was involved in.I didn’t take it seriously until I was incarcerated and one day got a tattoo magazine and seen these amazing artists and what they’re were tattooing, I was already very talented and took my art seriously, reading books and drawing anything and challenged my self to do difficult details with a bic pen, I took it seriously because that’s all I had in 23 hour confinement, when I got in to tattooing I automatically found my passion and adjusted in a tattooing world while incarcerated. When released I was shell shocked by how much I had to learn because I was a use to a homemade rotary machine using single homemade needles,so I had to re learn everything, even tried to do apprenticeships but ppl knew I was fresh out after 10yrs and just knew by my personally or something because I was always denied, but never quit . Now all the shops that denied me wants me to work in there shop lol funny how the tables turn.

Describe you style of tattooing: My style is black & grey tattooing I do any type of black & grey and enjoy it. I do a lot of realism tho.

Who or what are your influences: My influences come from all types of artists and styles I can never find just one. I just love art and tattooing.

What do you want the world know about your tattoo life and any advice you can give to the aspiring tattoo artist: All I can say is I’m a black & grey artist and really enjoy what I do and never want to to learning,I’m always striving to learn a new tip or trick in tattooing. As for upcoming artists all I can say is stay humble and be open minded to learn. Don’t quit if that’s what u really want to do. Shoot for a apprenticeship and learn correctly. 

Have you done any cover ups, how many: I’ve done a few coverups but hate doing them but if  I  get the freedom to do my own style and designs, then I get into it.
